Executive Committee Welcomes New Members and Discusses Future Plans

The executive committee gathered on Friday, January 19, to meet and greet our three newly elected members-at-large, Qin Gao (Professor and Associate Dean from School of Social Work), Shan Zha (James Wolff Professor of Pediatrics, CUIMC), and Tian Zheng (Professor & Chair of Statistics, Arts & Science), and to thank Li Qiang (Associate Professor of Pathology & Cell Biology, CUIMC) and Jianwen Que (Professor of Medicine, CUIMC) for finishing their three-year terms on the committee. We also bid farewell to Li Qiang, who is relocating back to China. We wish Li the best of luck in his new endeavor! The committee discussed ideas for continuing to improve service to CUAFA members, growing our membership, and increasing CUAFA's visibility on campus. To better serve our members, we will soon launch a membership survey. Please stay tuned. 


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