Timothy Wang Receives 2023 NIH Outstanding Investigator Award for Cancer Research

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Timothy Wang, MD, for being selected by the National Cancer Institute (NIH) as a recipient of the 2023 Outstanding Investigator Award (OIA). The 2023 Award Recipient page is now live on the cancer.gov website with details. Dr. Wang is one of only seventeen principal investigators in the US cancer research space selected by the NCI for their 2023 awards.According to the NCI announcement, the OIA is given to “support investigators with outstanding records of cancer research accomplishments by providing extended funding stability and encouraging investigators to continue or embark on a research program of unusual potential in cancer.”For this exceptional category of NIH support, Dr. Wang was nominated by Columbia in early November 2022, followed by his submission of the project titled “The role of stem cells and the microenvironment in gastrointestinal cancers” to the NIH.He was notified of the award in the following year (2023).It is worth noting that Dr. Wang was previously honored with this award in 2016. Through his research leading to a strong list of publications in esteemed journals such as Cancer Cell, Science, Gut, Cancer Discovery, Cell, Nature Communications, and Gastroenterology, as well as through teamwork, productive collaborations, awards (e.g., Friedenwald Medal from AGA), and highly cited research, he successfully secured a second seven-year term which began in September 2023.We wish Dr. Wang and his team, including his laboratory, internal and external collaborators, much success in their continued work!


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