Announcement for Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award and Young Investigator Awards

Columbia University Asian Faculty Association (CUAFA) is a recently established organization consisting of faculty members of Asian heritage and allies at Columbia University and affiliated schools, whose objective is to advocate for greater representation of Asian faculty in leadership roles, denounce anti-Asian hate crimes, and highlight achievements of Asian faculty in all spheres of university life and academia.

It is with these goals in mind that members of CUAFA have decided to establish two annual awards to recognize outstanding Columbia faculty of Asian heritage and allies, one for young investigators who are within the first ten years of their first faculty appointment, and the other for senior members of the faculty who have made major contributions at the highest national and international levels. 

The awardees will be selected by a highly distinguished faculty panel chaired by Prof. Sankar Ghosh, and the awards will be presented at the Annual CUAFA Gala to be held on February 2023.

To nominate potential candidates, please provide a 1-2 page nomination letter highlighting key accomplishments, major awards, and recognition received, along with references to significant publications and books, and send them to Ms. Andry Dominguez ( by December 31, 2022.


Awards Committee:

Sankar Ghosh (Chair), X. Edward Guo, Yiping Han, David Ho, Gerard Karsenty, Eugenia Lean, Kam Leong, Andy Marks, Robert D. Mawhinney, Michael Morris, Samuel Sia, Simon Tavaré, and Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic


Shih-Fu Chang and Jeannette Wing Elected to the NAI


Sankar Ghosh Elected to National Academy of Medicine